APIIT Homepage



As of 15th September 2001, this site is officially closed.
This is due to intake DF0043 officially finishing their course.

All documents and slides available here will be left for those
students who need to take their resit examinations or remodule.
In January 2002, this site will be pulled off the net permanently.
Until then, everything is available for download. Please do not
hesitate to use these materials for your own reference.

Webmistress' note :
To everyone, it's been a great year for this site, I've learnt many
things while constantly updating this site. I hope that
many of us will still keep in touch after this year, it's been
great knowing everyone in DF0043. ^_^ Cheers mate!

Greetings to everyone who visits this site!
The Classroom was made specially for the students
of APIIT from this intake

who are taking the Diploma in Computing and IT
at APIIT's Damansara Heights campus.

Here, you can download the various course media
needed to cover the entire Diploma year and also
some other small things put up as a whimsy.

To begin, click on the navigation bar to the left.
Info on site updates will be posted in UPDATES,
DOWNLOADS will take you to the main download page
for slides and notes, programs and other applications not
connected to the module are located in FUN STUFF
and LINKS will take you to APIIT's homepage and
many other websites.

This page was created by Yuri-chan of intake DF0043
from APIIT Damansara Heights, Malaysia.

This site was constructed using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4
and is best seen at 800 x 600 screen resolution in
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and Netscape 4.x and above.